Advisory Program
The Advisory Department is a diverse team of educational professionals committed to meeting the social-emotional and academic needs of each student at WorldView High School. This committee is comprised of Social Workers, Guidance Counselors, and Teachers. Through intense collaboration, each unit is planned with precision to provide students with the socio-emotional skills they need to develop strong moral character.
Building Community
The concepts of community, respect, trust, and integrity are emphasized, as students learn how to communicate their thoughts and feelings clearly and effectively. We recognize that students benefit most from consistency, thus we strive to maintain the similar lesson-plan format they receive in their core subject classes.
Advisory Curriculum
Units are designed with a backward planning approach; each lesson builds upon the other ultimately leading to a panel discussion at the end of each unit (based on the Essential Question posed at the beginning of the unit); this demonstrates their understanding of the material presented in class. The instructors use Bloom’s taxonomy as a guide to leading rich, meaningful, and differentiated class discussions that promote higher forms of thinking among all students (including those with cognitive disabilities, emotional disabilities, and language barriers).
Academic Mentoring
Students engage in collegial style discussions that align with the ELA Common Core standards, which in turn, will support students with the writing process and public speaking. Last but not least, the Advisory program inherited components of the former mentoring program. After each semester, students review their transcripts and reflect on what they did well and what they need to improve in order to meet graduation and college requirements.