Opp Net
Opp Net
Here at World View High, all students partake in the Opportunity Network Program. This program prepares students for college via workshops on time management, study habits, college writing, race and class diversity on campus, choosing a major, relationships and sexual health, building a college network, internship/job searches, and managing stress.
Students set college-to-career goals and are grounded in the fundamentals of how organizations work. They are exposed to a broad-based knowledge of a wide spectrum of careers, and the academic and professional pursuits required to be successful in those careers.
The College and Career Readiness Opportunity Network sparks drive, exploration, and guides students on their paths to college and into careers that are thriving!
World View High School’s mission is to develop a rigorous project-based academic program which will prepare students for college, career, and exemplary citizenship. In our College & Career Readiness courses, our students will:
Explore various topics which are geared to help students make the best choices for postsecondary education
Financial literacy
Scholarships Opportunities
Life skills beyond the classroom and much more