Transitional Bilingual Program
Students in the TBE program are provided with targeted tutoring and specific TBE courses on their program. When an ELL student enters our TBE program, they are placed in a class (grade and strand) based on their English level (NYSITELL if new in the BOE system or NYSESLAT if continuing) and their age.
Entering and Emerging Levels
These students would normally be placed in our 9D strand where they are introduced and immersed in English BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills)
Entering students receive at least 540 ENL minutes per week
Emerging students receive at least 360 ENL minutes per week
All students attend one period of HLA (Home Language Arts) course per day
Emerging and Transitioning Levels
These students would normally be placed in our 10D strand where they are expected to have aptitude in English BICS and are now introduced in English CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency)
Transitioning students receive at least 180 ENL minutes per week
All students attend one period of HLA (Home Language Arts) course per day
Transitioning and Expanding Levels
These students would normally be placed in our 11D strand where they are expected to have aptitude in English CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) and receiving preparation to take the ELA CC Regents test.
Expanding students receive at least 180 ENL minutes per week
All students attend one period of HLA (Home Language Arts) course per day
Commanding Levels
These students would normally be placed in our 12D or 12B strands where they are expected to have aptitude in English CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) and transitioning to College and Career Preparation.
Students at this level have demonstrated English language proficiency and are no longer considered an ELL student, but are entitled to receive two years of Former ELL services.